Iwitea Marae

Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai!

Iwitea Marae is located in the centre of Iwitea Village, just east of Wairoa.
Our marae is the home-base for hui, hākari, wānanga, karakia, tangi and other community events.
The people of Iwitea Marae belong to the Ngāti Kahungunu iwi and our 23 hapū.
As well as being the focal point of the Iwitea Village, the marae is the Civil Defence Centre for the wider Tuhara area.

Marae Trustees

Betty Ann Jelbert (Chair), Tessa Wolff-Tamihere (Deputy Chair), Nigel How (Secretary/Treasurer), Airini Rewi, Doris Nicholson, Elizabeth Palmer, Josephine Palmer, Robert Niania
